"Investigation into the challenges facing human interaction in the modern age through the representation of human-artificial relationships through cinema and reality"

I felt that this question , while may not as relevant to my the realm of "design", is much more interesting to me, and due to its focus on a very specific area of research (human-articial relationship via cinema representation) and provides much more opportunities for an in-depth study within the given word limit. And in some way, it still very much relates to my practices as understanding this would provide a base to develop the writing of characters and narrative in any future projects, as well as inform their design choices.
With that said, the main focus would revolves around the analysis of 2 cinema case studies : "Her " and Robot and Frank and the human-artificial relationships within each. This would be followed by a studies into real-life human-robot interaction particularly Japan to further contextualize the ideas discussed within the case studies.
From that the break down the essay is as follows :
Introduction : (200 words)
Chapter I : Context of the current human robot interaction environment ( 1000 words)
Chapter II : Case studies
Her (1000 words)
Robot and Frank (1000 words)
Chapter IV : Japanese robot relationship (1500)
Hatsune Miku - digital idol
Chapter V : Visualisation of future interaction (Practical focus as well ) (300)
Discussing the evolution of this relationships in regards to new tech like VR , AR and new developments in mechanical bodies
Outro (200)
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