Thursday, October 13, 2016

OUAN401-Context of Practice Lecture 1 : Visual literacy

The first COP lecture began with Visual literacy and the language of design, which introduced me to the common terms that is used in design and the functions and meanings of symbols, signs and so on. Following that were the 9 principles of visual literacy. It really interesting when you notice how good humans are at reading picture and how easy and consistently we identify the meaning of an image the first couple of seconds we see it


Like the 2 apples above , one of Apple the company and one of New York city , which were 2 examples of another interesting part of the lecture: semiotics the former being broken down to a symbol , sign , and what signifier , each communicating a different meaning , while the latter was used as an example to show the differences between visual synecdoche, metonymy and metaphor.(e.x Big Apple being referred to NY is a metaphor since we’re translating the meaning of an image to another why the Statue of Liberty is a synecdoche since apart, it is used to represent NY and vice versa, really interesting !) Being NOT a native speaker ,  I had always used “metaphor” to describe the process of translating the meaning of one image onto another, so this lecture ended up being really helpful  not only in terms of introducing me to visual literacy but  broadening my English vocabula

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